About Us
Stebbins, Alaska 99671
The coastal village of Stebbins, Alaska (population ±700) is located on the northwest corner of St. Michael Island in southern Norton Sound. About 98% of Stebbins residents are of Central Yup'ik descent. The Yup'ik name for the village is Tapraq. Yup’ik culture has evolved through thousands of years and continues to evolve today.
K-12 education is provided by Tukurngailnguq School. In addition, Stebbins has a store, medical clinic, several churches, a community center, and a post office. Most residents rely on subsistence living in the tradition of their ancestors. Seal, beluga, moose, reindeer, fish and berries harvested from the surrounding ocean, rivers and tundra are important staples.
A small airfield on the south end of town allows only small bush aircraft and is the main gateway into and out of Stebbins; although it is possible to access the island by boat or barge in the warmer months and by snow machine when the ocean is frozen.
Tukurngailnguq School
About two hundred thirty students from Kindergarten through 12th grade are enrolled at Tukurngailnguq School. An additional 20 or so three and four year-olds prepare for full time school at the adjacent preschool run by Kawerak's Child Development program.