Staff gathers to say farewell to Mr. J.

What an amazing and wonderful year it has been.  Last Saturday, as I watched the class of 2023 graduate, I felt so proud.  Those girls were in the 5th grade when I arrived in Stebbins in 2015.  Now they are strong, dynamic young women who will be a force for their families and for the community.

We went through so much during this past year: floods, fires, a typhoon!  And yet, through it all, we prevailed.  We stood together, we helped each other, and we pulled through.  Thank you to everyone who is part of the school.  Thank you to our staff, parents, families, and friends.  You have all helped shape our students into the people you see today, and I can say in total confidence that without you, we would have a very different outcome.

I will always cherish the students of Tukurngailnguq School.  Each and every one has something special to offer this world.  You are creative and smart in so many ways.  Please promise me you will never doubt yourselves.  Alan Alda once said, “Don't ever aim your doubt at yourself.  Laugh at yourself, but don't doubt yourself.”  I am counting on seeing you each conquer life in your own fantastic way.  I consider myself lucky to have met you.

As Nicole and I prepare to move to Unalakleet to begin a new chapter, let me take this opportunity to thank the entire community of Stebbins for eight wonderful years.  Thank you for letting us be part of your community and your families.  We look forward to seeing you again.


All the Best,

- John Juvinall, Principal and Forever Tukurngailnguq Grizzly