Wishing safe travels to the teams trying to get home!

A hearty congratulations to Bering Sea Conference Basketball varsity boys winners the Shaktoolik Wolverines and varsity girls winners the Shaktoolik Wolverines! Kudos, too, to the Shishmaref Northern Lights varsity girls and boys teams for sweeping second place.

One last UPDATE: Today’s game times to determine True Second place for the boys and girls teams have changed. NEW TIMES:
Girls - 7:00 PM
Boys - 8:30 PM
Doors open at 6:30 PM
ADMISSION: If you already bought a session pass for today's afternoon games you do not need to pay again

Update from the Conference Basketball Championships: Stebbins will play Gambell this afternoon at 4:30 PM in the Stebbins gym!

Game 4: Stebbins Boys vs. Shishmaref - Tip-off at 9:00 AM! https://www.youtube.com/embed/live_stream?channel=UCU9X4R7TvoqnshpRLDN5oJg

3 GAMES TONIGHT. As of a short while ago, three (3) games have been shifted from tomorrow to tonight. We will have a few concessions open starting with the second game. Here is the schedule. You can also find the current schedule, as it is now, on the BSSD facebook page.

Congratulations to Teller for moving on to the Championships.

Congratulations the Teller boys for their success in the Wild Card Tournament. The awards will begin at 10:30. Catch it live on BSSD's Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/BSSDSchools/

Admission prices for the Wild Card Tournament that starts tonight at 7pm.

The Wild Card Tournament will now be held at Tukurngailnguq School, starting tonight at 7 PM and continuing thru Tuesday. The Conference Championship Tournament, also being played at our school, will start as advertised at 9 AM on Thursday.
Two participating guest teams arrived yesterday and three more are arriving and getting set up at our school throughout the day today.
Because of the addition of the wild card tournament, there will not be classes for students Monday thru Friday. However, all staff, classified and certificated, must report to work at the regular time each day.

This week, there will be High School Basketball Tournament play every day at Tukurngailnguq School. Sunday, five teams will start arriving to play in the conference Wild Card Tournament. Monday and Tuesday these five teams will play to determine the sixth and final team in the conference championship tournament. The wild card winner will remain in Stebbins, while the other teams go home.
The other teams for the Conference Championships will begin arriving in Stebbins on Wednesday. Championship games start on Thursday and end Saturday night.
The costs to attend the championship tournament are as follows:
- Adults - $5 per session or $25 to attend all sessions
- Children grades K to 12 - $3.00 per session or $15 to attend all sessions.
- Elders can attend free of charge.
All children, 5th grade and below must enter with and stay with their parent or guardian throughout each game.
At all tournaments such as this, there is a Hospitality Room for the coaches, officials, and the other persons working there. The food and salads, soups, and desserts are donated by school staff and members of the community. To all the members of the Stebbins community if you can donate native or non-native food or a dessert, or a side dish it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!

Battle of the Island!! Boys Basketball at SMK tomorrow night at 7PM!

Get your tickets at ASAA365.com

Go get 'em!

Special positive energy to the Education Rising Team at their conference in Fairbanks:
Anessa, Natalie, Blaine, Sherece, Karla, Freda, & Tamirah!

Join us for today's Saturday Market at 3pm!
There will be lots of men's clothing for sell!
Plus many other goods. I 😊

Join us and bring your baked goods, crafts and other items to sell!

Today we celebrate Indigenous civil rights great, Elizabeth Peratrovich (Tlingit)


Yup'ik Spelling Bee tomorrow after school!