Lots going on this week. Be sure to mark your calendar for the Saturday Market!


School will start at 11:00 AM today. We had a small fire overnight and need to check all the safety systems before opening.

The Stebbins Girls Basketball games for this weekend have been cancelled.

Here's what's coming up for this week. Don't forget to wear your qaspeqs for Qaspeq Monday tomorrow!

Winter Literacy Night on Friday January 27, 2023 at 4:00-5:00pm. *Games and Free Books! **Children Must Come with an adult!

Qaspeqs, glorious qaspeqs!

Monday and Tuesday Coach Sokaitis from UAF will be here to run basketball clinics for students - times to be determined. MAPS testing all week.

Please join us!

MAPS testing starts this week. Thank you for helping your students get to school on time and well-rested!

THANK YOU to everyone who made our first sports weekend of the school year a great success and a wonderful time. I was grateful for the chance to catch up with so many members of the community and hear how you are doing after such a challenging few months. Good job to the Grizzlies boys for pulling out two solid wins, and many thanks to the White Mountain Wolves for being such good guests and gracious opponents. This weekend was a neat reminder of how important it is to pull together - in basketball and in life! -John Juvinall

Boys basketball this weekend!

Welcome back! Let's have a great second half of the year!

We hope everyone enjoyed the holiday break and spent cherished time with family and friends. Tomorrow, January 5th, school starts again. Breakfast starts at 8:20 AM & and classes begin at 9. We're looking forward a bright, new semester!

Wishing everyone the best in 2023!

School is closed for Winter Break....BUT....we still have a few activities going on. Check it out!

Our students have been getting ready for the Holiday Program tonight! Come join us in some festive fun!!

HS GIRLS & BOYS -- Meeting today at 3:45 in the school library for all high school students interested in playing basketball this year.

Join us this Wednesday for free books, storytelling, and art activities! Children must be with an adult.

A busy week before the holidays!